Update 2/14/12: Stephanie went through and answered all of your questions we couldn’t get to in the live show. Here’s a link to your previously unanswered questions.
Below you’ll find the video of our first class in Topics in Digital Law Practice. Stephanie Kimbro discusses virtual law practice.
John Mayer’s introductory slides can be found here.
Stephanie Kimbro’s presentation slides can be found here.
A gold star to student Hani Sarji who captured the links to the websites that were mentioned in the class…
Kimbro Legal Services | http://kimbrolaw.com/ | |
Rice Law | http://www.ricefamilylaw.com/ | traditional firm with VLO |
McGrath & Spielberger, PLLC | http://mcgrathspielberger.com/ | multijurisdictional virtual law firm |
Texas Wills & Trusts Online | http://www.texaswillsandtrustslaw.com/ | VLO – home office |
Burton Law LLC | http://www.burton-law.com/ | |
Clearspire | http://clearspire.com/ | |
Rosen Law Firm | http://www.rosen.com/ | |
Rocket Lawyer | http://www.rocketlawyer.com/ | branded network concept |
Fair Outcomes, Inc. | http://www.appellex.com/ | game theory solutions for disputes |
QualitySolicitors | http://www.qualitysolicitors.com/index.html | |
InstaLaw | http://instalaw.com/ |